How Product Training Can Help Build Customer Trust in Retail Environments


Product training helps create customer trustProduct training is a critical but often overlooked aspect of retail customer service. It is an opportunity to build customer trust and confidence in both the products being sold and the store.

Training also provides the product knowledge necessary to deliver the best in-store shopping experiences. In today’s competitive retail environment, product training can be the difference between a customer making a purchase and leaving the store empty-handed.

Customer experiences can vary in perception between retailer and customer. One survey showed that 80% of the companies believed they were delivering a superior shopping experience to their customers. However, their customers said only 8% were delivering that experience.

If you’re looking to improve the customer experience in your store, here are some essential
things to know.

Benefits of Product Training

There are numerous benefits to ensuring your associates are well-trained on products. These include:

  • Increased sales: Associates with product knowledge will likely sell more products and upsell when appropriate. They have the expertise and confidence needed to sell products and services, which leads to more sales.
  • Greater brand loyalty: Front-line employees are the face of your brand. With proper product training, associates can answer customer questions and take on any challenges presented on the sales floor. This can create a more personal connection with customers, leading to greater brand loyalty.
  • Reduced returns and exchanges: When associates are appropriately trained on products, they can better understand customer needs and match them with a suitable PC. This results in fewer returns, exchanges, and complaints, leading to a more favorable impression of your brand.

Delivering Effective Product Training

There are many different ways to deliver product training. One important thing is to include delivery methods that accommodate different learning styles. Not everyone absorbs information best in the same way, so use a mix of training content delivery methods, including video, PDF, in-person demos or presentations, webinars, etc.

A few other important factors for effective retail product training include:

  • Provide a robust online training program for products. Online training is an effective way to provide retail associates with the knowledge they need to sell products and services. Include a mobile app for 24/7 access so your associates can get the information they need when they need it.
  • Make training interactive and fun to engage associates and ensure they get the most out of it. Incorporate gamification elements, simulations, and other activities to keep them engaged and coming back.
  • Use real-world examples to help associates better understand how to apply product knowledge to customers on the sales floor.
  • Keep training modules short and sweet to avoid overwhelming associates and to help them retain the information.

The most important thing is to find the delivery method that best meets the needs of your associates, store, and brand.

Positively Impacting Every Aspect of the Customer Experience

When product training is done well, it can have a positive impact on every aspect of the customer experience. It helps build customer trust by providing employees with the knowledge and confidence they need to sell products and services.

If you want to improve the customer experience in your stores, ensure you’re providing associates with the product training they need to succeed. The Intel® Retail Edge Program is an empowering educational platform and community that gives retail associates the tools they need to create success on the salesfloor as they guide customers to the best PC for their needs.

We incorporate proven methods to increase knowledge about Intel® products and technologies while presenting applicable sales techniques to enhance the customer experience.

Check out the Intel® Retail Edge Program today to see how it can benefit your associates and improve sales.



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