Fostering an atmosphere of cooperation provides your store with tangible benefits that go beyond a more pleasant working environment. The right team-building strategies allow your team members to work together to create the opportunity for a sale and to support each other more effectively throughout their daily routines.
Here are some proven strategies for promoting cooperation over competition within your sales team.
Many believe, and rightly so, that choosing enthusiastic and charismatic employees is the first step toward successful team building. Simply holding the right qualifications and presenting the right mix of experience is not enough to ensure that a particular applicant will mesh well with your current sales staff.
New employees with a positive attitude can help your store achieve greater success in the competitive industry of retail consumer technology.
By hiring sales associates who are highly motivated and adept at working with others, you promote a more cooperative atmosphere. Those who enjoy gaming, building rigs, or are interested in computers and technology often make great candidates for sales associates and can hit the ground running.
The right sales associates increase sales, create meaningful customer experiences, and enhance morale for your entire team.
Retailers who offer commissions sometimes find that allowing sales associates to split commissions on significant sales often promotes a healthier environment and encourages cooperation in the fast-paced and competitive environment of retail tech.
Offering incentives to sales associates who work together can significantly impact the atmosphere on the salesfloor and create a real team across your entire store.
Mentoring programs can also establish a sense of shared responsibility and increased cooperation in the work environment. Encourage your top sales associates to show newcomers the ropes and support them as they learn about different computers and technologies throughout their first weeks and months on the job. This mentoring helps increase employee retention rates while reinforcing positive behaviors.
Celebrating even minor milestones is a proven way to increase motivation and enhance the sense of cooperation among your sales team. Offering small cash incentives, discounts on products, gift cards, or other rewards to employees for working as a cohesive unit helps reinforce their sense of team.
Breaking up the monotony that can occur in the regular work routine with these small rewards and celebrations can keep your staff motivated. Consider allowing sales associates to reward or recognize each other in a tangible way to create a sense of team and greater cooperation with each other.
Some training programs reward associates as they participate and attain certain benchmarks. Be sure to celebrate these successes too among all staff. It encourages others to increase their product knowledge to earn rewards and be publicly recognized by you as their manager.
One of the best methods for supercharging your team-building efforts is to provide your employees with opportunities to share challenges and rewards. Training programs are an essential element in this process.
By providing your staff members with the chance to learn things together and discuss their shared training experiences, you promote a sense of camaraderie that carries over into the daily routines of your associates. This improves communication and relationships between employees.
The Intel® Retail Edge Program offers targeted training for your sales associates to increase their knowledge base about Intel® products and technologies and the computers they power. Targeted campaigns are also offered during the year to help support your efforts during peak sales cycles.
The Intel® Retail Edge Program gives your employees the edge they need on the salesfloor. Watch this video to hear feedback from some of our dedicated Intel® Retail Edge members.
Find out how the Intel® Retail Program can positively impact your employees and help you reach your goals.
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