Turn Sales Reps into Experts and Customers into Brand Ambassadors


Retail partners tell us their employees participate in five to 30 required trainings each month. Managers need a well-trained sales force, but have to ensure the training doesn’t require too much time away from the sales floor. This means training, whether required or optional, must be designed for optimal learning in manageable time frames.

Intel® Retail Edge Certification ProgramIt's extremely important for sales reps to have in-depth product knowledge, but they also must understand how to transfer that knowledge to the customer in such a way that it addresses their needs and solves their problems. Well-rounded training programs not only provide learnings about product features, theyalso demonstrate to participants how to relate product capabilities to customer needs.

Components of a Well-Rounded Sales Training Program

Sales reps who combine product knowledge with sales knowledge create better customer experiences. This type of customer-centric training that fuses product functionality and sales tools helps turn sales reps into product experts and satisfied customers into brand ambassadors.

What is your confidence level in the depth of product knowledge of your sales reps and their ability to translate it in a meaningful way to your customers? What level of confidence do you have that your customers have a highly favorable view of your brand and the products and services you offer?

The Intel® Retail Edge Program is designed to help create success for our retail partners by providing sales reps with resources and tools that educate them about products, sales, and customer expectations. As participants learn, they can earn rewards along the way. Training is detailed, yet structured with the time limitations of sales reps in mind.

Certification of Knowledge and Capabilities

Additionally, sales reps can opt to participate in our certification program. The Intel® Retail Edge Certification Program is curriculum-based and administers assessments against a pre-determined set of standards. Upon successful completion, sales reps earn a certification commensurate with other IT Certifications such as Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate* (MSCA*) and Cisco Certified Network Associate*(CCNA*).

The Intel® Retail Edge Certification Program is a great way for sales managers to encourage members of their sales team to invest in their own careers and professional development. Participation in and successfully completing the certification program benefits everyone.

Here are just a few examples:

Retail Sales Professional:

  • Better on-the-job performance
  • Boost in confidence
  • Increase in career opportunities


  • Better service
  • Better shopping and buying experience
  • Increase in buying confidence


  • Increase in employee knowledge and capabilities
  • Better customer experiences
  • Growth in sales revenue

The Intel® Retail Edge Certification Program offers options for those who want to participate in additional training, but forgo the assessments. These include:

  • Specialty Certificate Program - Quick lessons focused on specific topics of interest through guided practice and interactive role-play.
  • Professional Development Pathway – Interactive learning modules on Intel® technology and sales skills through simulations for real-life practice.

Access to any of the options within the certification program is included when you are a member of the Intel® Retail Edge Program.

Complement Your Store Training

The pace and ever-changing environment of retail sales means employee training must continually improve and evolve. This applies to your store training as well as training provided by your product partners. Product brand training should complement, not conflict with, your training efforts.

The overarching goal of any brand training program should be to create more opportunities for the success of its retail partners, their employees, and their customers. This is achieved through engaging and immersive training about products and technologies, appropriate sales techniques, and enhancing the customer experience. This approach benefits everyone.

The Intel® Retail Edge Program strives to be the best brand training program available to our retail partners. Along with our training and certification programs for sales reps, we work with retailers to increase brand awareness and provide support of their local communities through our annual Score with Intel® Core™ competition.

Find out more ways you and your sales reps benefit from participating in the Intel® Retail Edge Program.

Join the Intel® Retail Edge Program

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

© 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Retail Edge Certification Program, and Intel Retail Edge Program are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

Intel Retail Edge
Join the program to get retail training on the latest Intel® technologies and devices.