The Intel® Compute Stick: What Customers Need to Know


Most everyone loves the convenience of phones and tablets. Nonetheless, your customers may want something more powerful when it comes to doing serious work or staying entertained. 

Intel® Compute StickSatisfy this growing need by knowing the ins and outs of the Intel® Compute Stick.

What Drives the Intel® Compute Stick Design?

In the professional world, stick computing has long been a force to be reckoned with, but this device isn't just targeted at IT experts. The Intel® Compute Stick makes freedom of productivity available to anyone with an HDMI* equipped display or television. Just connect a wireless mouse and keyboard, and the powerful quad-core Intel® Atom™ processor is instantly ready for:

  • Mobile productivity, such as image editing, word processing, and data analysis
  • Diverse home entertainment activities, from playing games to watching favorite movies
  • Embedded applications, such as shopping kiosks and interactive directory terminals

Flexibility is a critical consideration for this versatile device. Users can choose the Ubuntu* or Windows 8.1* operating system, meaning your customers don't have to change their current habits to attain the ultimate in high-powered convenience.

Who Should You Talk to About the Intel® Compute Stick?

The Intel® Compute Stick will be a hit with anyone who has ever run out of storage space on a limited hard drive. Windows* versions are armed with 32 GB of built-in eMMC device storage, while Ubuntu* variants come with 8 GB. All versions also feature a convenient SDXC* slot with UHS I-Support, so your customers can use removable storage without becoming dependent on it.

With its 1333 MHz, DDR3L single-channel memory weighing in at 2 GB in the Windows* model and 1 GB in the Ubuntu* version, the Intel® Compute Stick is tailored toward performance. It's also great for non-traditional applications. 

Power comes from a single 5V, 2A wall block so users can stay up and running in limited facilities or isolated installations.

What Sets the Intel® Compute Stick Apart?

More technical customers will be happy to learn that one model features the Intel® Atom™ Processor with a 64-bit instruction set and a 2 MB L3 cache. Its four cores deliver a solid 1.33 GHz base clock frequency, but they can easily kick things up to 1.83 GHz in a pinch. 

You can also assure curious customers that they'll never have to scrape and scratch to make their distributed applications work. With Bluetooth* 4.0 and WiFi* 802.11bgn to accompany the USB 2.0 slot, it's a safe bet that they'll soon find themselves completely liberated from the hassles of cable routing.

Intel® Compute Sticks have quite a lot going for them, and they're certain to appeal to a broad range of device users. Discover how to talk to your customer about this small, powerful package by joining the Intel® Retail Edge program. Click here to read more!


*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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