From Bean-to-Bar to Sand-to-Silicon: Crafting Excellence in Chocolate and CPUs


Ratio Cocoa Roasters and IntelIn March, I had the incredible opportunity to tour Ratio Cocoa Roasters in Melbourne, Australia. Their dedication to crafting chocolate from bean to bar using the finest single-origin cacao beans reminded me of the meticulous process we follow at Intel to create high-performance processors from sand to silicon. As a marketing professional at Intel, I was struck by the parallels between these two seemingly disparate fields.

At Ratio, the journey begins with sourcing the world’s best cacao beans, which are then roasted, cracked, and ground into smooth chocolate. This ensures that every bar is pure, flavorful, and free from additives. Similarly, at Intel, the creation of processors starts with high-purity silicon dioxide sand, which undergoes multiple stages of purification and refinement to become the silicon wafers used in our CPUs.


Cocoa beans for Ratio Cocoa Roaster                   Coffee bean processor
Ratio Cocoa Roasters                                                                     Ratio Cocoa Roasters



Intel chip process
Intel Corporation


Both processes require a deep commitment to quality and ethics. Ratio’s beans are fairly traded and ethically sourced, much like how Intel strives for sustainability and efficiency in semiconductor manufacturing. The result? Exceptional chocolate bars and powerful processors that stand as testaments to the art and science of their creation.

Ratio Cocoa Roasters chocolate                              Intel Core processor
Ratio Cocoa Roasters                                                      Intel Corporation


The pure taste of Ratio’s chocolate is an experience like no other, much like the blazing-fast performance of Intel® CPUs that deliver amazing end-user compute experiences. Whether you’re savoring the richness of ethically sourced chocolate or enjoying the seamless performance of a high-tech processor, the end result is an unmatched combination of excellence and ethical manufacturing.

Today’s consumers, especially Gen Z and Gen A, value brands that are dedicated to ethically manufactured products and deliver outstanding experiences. At Intel, we are proud to uphold these values, ensuring our products not only meet the highest standards of performance but also adhere to ethical sourcing practices. This commitment is what makes Intel® CPUs and Ratio chocolates a hard-to-beat combination in their respective fields.


Ratio Cocoa Roasters sustainability
Ratio Cocoa Roasters


Intel sustainability
Intel Corporation


During my visit to Ratio, I was inspired not only by their craftsmanship but also by their passion for what they do. It’s a passion I share in my own work at Intel and one that drives me to explore new possibilities, even dreaming of pursuing chocolate making in my retirement.

The stories of bean-to-bar chocolate and sand-to-silicon CPUs are stories of excellence, innovation, and a dedication to making the world a better place, one bar and one chip at a time.



Written by: Jeff Clark, Retail Brand Channel Advocacy Manager at Intel


This post originally appeared here on LinkedIn.





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