PC gaming is hotter than ever, so it’s the perfect time for the hottest gaming event of 2022: Intel® Gamer Days. Intel, retailers, PC brands, and publishers are teaming up to offer gamers exclusive deals, secret drops, live streams, and special giveaways.
This 5th annual Intel® Gamer Days kicks off August 25 with a live stream featuring top gamers and influencers, and continues through September 4 with plenty of deals worth celebrating.
During Intel® Gamer Days, gamers get some of the best deals and discounts of the year on:
The 11-day event has grown into a global celebration and is inclusive of all levels of gamers who shop in your stores.
Elite Gamers
Casual and On-the-Go
During this event, these customers can find great deals on PCs powered by Intel® processors that let them game, create, and connect like never before.
It’s not just your gaming customers who can win. We’ve got something for Program members, too: the Intel® Gamer Days Celebration Drawing! Sales associates earn Drawing entries for prizes when they complete the required trainings for each participating PC brand.
When they complete ALL trainings, they'll earn an entry into the Grand Prize Drawing – a custom build by the Edge Crew’s James “@TeapotJim” Conners! Find all the details on the Intel® Gamer Days Celebration Drawing here.
The Intel® Gamer Days event is the perfect time to help customers celebrate gaming with 11 days of incredible deals, discounts, giveaways, and more. Let them know that Intel powers the hottest lineup of gaming PCs, and you can help them find the perfect one to take their game to new heights.
Get more information about Intel® Gamer Days today!
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